International Exchange
    International Exchange
    Suzhou Vocational University held the Southeast Asia Collaborative Industry-Education Integration Conference and Southeast Asia Vocational Education Industry-Education Integration Alliance Conference
    Author: Source:FAO Date:2019-11-01 Times: 1298

    To implement the “Decision of the State Council on Accelerating the Development of Modern Vocational Education” and the Ministry of Education’s “Promoting the Construction of the ‘Belt and Road’Education Action”,promote the sharing of educational resources, complementary advantages, and collaborative innovation among countries, on October 29th , Suzhou Vocational University and International Cultural Communication Exchange Center Malaysia jointly organized the Southeast Asia Collaborative Education and Industry-Education Integration Conference, more than 40 domestic universities and institutions including Liming Vocational University, Shenzhen Vocational Information Technology College, 12 foreign universities and institutions including One World Hanxin College (Malaysia), STIKI Malang (Indonesia) and Industrial Technical Institute (Cambodia). Shenzhen ADTECH and Suzhou Huikong Technology Co., Ltd, as company representatives, participated in the conference. The conference was presided over by Liu Dan, vice party secretary of CPC SVU Committee and vice president.

    President Cao Yumin warmly welcomed domestic and foreign guests for their visits. In the welcome speech, he introduced the university’s international cooperation and exchanges in recent years, especially the effective measures taken in running sino-foreign collaborative schools and cultivating international talents with countries along the “Belt and Road” countries such as South Africa, Malaysia and Pakistan. Cao Yumin said that the university will continue to explore new modes of international education, create platforms for educational cooperation and exchange and form a long-term mechanism of human communication with our partners to promote mutual understanding of each other's culture, enhance friendship, and actively assist the country to jointly implement the “Belt and Road Initiative” initiative.

    Nicy Bai, CEO of ICCCM and Eva Handriyantini, president of STIKI Malang respectively introduced the educational and cultural exchanges between China and Malaysia, and the development status of higher vocational education in Indonesia. As one representative of outstanding research institutes, Jiao Yang, director of the Shenzhen Robotics Association, delivered a speech titled “China's International Development of Intelligent Manufacturing Professional Standards and Talent Services”. Moan Sam Oeurn, president of Industrial Technical Institute, gave a thematic speech titled “International Cooperation—Another Key Factor in Developing of Technical Human Resources in Cambodia”.
    At the meeting, Cao Yumin, Nicy Bai, Betty Dewi Puspasari from APTIKOM East Java, Yi Bo (general manager of Shenzhen ADTECH ), Xie Xiaohui (general manager of Suzhou Huikong Technology Co., Ltd) jointly launched the inaugural ceremony of Southeast Asia Vocational Education and Industry-Education Integration Alliance. The alliance will build exchange and cooperation platforms for sharing educational information and academic resources, promote the bidirectional flow of alliance units, and explore new mechanisms for training talents across nations and schools. Suzhou Vocational University is the executive chairman unit of the alliance and holds the alliance secretariat.

    A signing ceremony for the “Belt and Road” industry college was held in this conference. The Institute College is jointly established by domestic and foreign universities, ICCCM and Shenzhen ADTECH to carry out industrial robot technology talent training projects in which 9 institutions from China, Indonesia, Malaysia and Cambodia took the participation. Jiao Yang and Nicy Bai jointly promoted the Shenzhen Industrial Robot Operation Skills Competition and introduced the 2020 Pan-Southeast Asian Robotics and Intelligent Inter-school Invitational Tournament. They sincerely invited universities and related organizations from all over the world to participate in this scientific research event.
    During the free exchange session, the guests shared their thoughts in the development of vocational education and their experience in professional standards, curriculum design, teaching management, and teacher training, they have conducted in-depth cooperation with companies which have overseas layout of OBOR, and have carried out enthusiastic exchanges in training applied talents with high technical skills standards through projects such as academic students, cooperative “two plus one” project, and enterprise entrusted training. The participants congruously decided to actively explore bilateral and multilateral joint education, share high-quality resources, jointly explore and construct new talent training mechanisms, management concepts and development models, and cultivate high-quality skilled and technical personnel with broad vision.

    Copyright2008 Suzhou Vocational University(Suzhou Open University)

    Address: Suzhou Vocational University, 106 Zhineng Ave., Suzhou

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